Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cycling 101 Tips: #2 What to Bring Riding

Essential for ALL rides
1. Helmet
2. gloves, shoes, socks
3. eye protection (sunglasses not required)
4. spare tube (in a baggy and pre-talc'd, the zip-loc bag can come in handy)
5. patch kit (some like glueless and some don't, I use glueless)
6. inflation device (pump or CO2)
7. Tire levers (really you can get away with just one; but they break)
8. some form ID (just leave it in your bag, I use a hospital card)

(I leave 4-8 in my saddle bag at all times and I maintain various saddle bags for my road, and race and trail bike along with a back pack that I take on most trail rides)

1. mini-tools (could be super small with 8 tools or 24 tools including a saw)
2. first aid kit (just a simple one for scrapes and/or slivers)
3. sock (handy rag and can be used to carry your tools and tube)
4. a second tube for those longer rides
5. change for phone or a cell phone
6. compass
7. rescue whistle
8. spare chain links (I always have a spare SRAM powerlink)
9. chain tool (if it's not part of your mini-tool)
10. strips of duct tape (or whatever you call that vinyl material gaffer/tank tape)

1-2hr ride
large water bottle (1 bottle for every hour of riding)
Generally that equates to about 500ml in temperate weather

3+ Hr rides
1L+ of water (4 water bottles) again depends on how hot it is and if you can find a place to fill-up
Nutrition - bar and a gel and a snack (1/2 PBJ bagel, granola bar, trail mix). My trail bag always has an emergency Hammer Gel and a bar of some kind. You never know when you have a breakdown and a 1hr ride turns into the 3hr ride.
Some might like salt tablets for really hot days

Some people like energy drinks. On longer rides I like to take at least one bottle full of Hammer HEED with me. It has complex carbohydrates and some electrolytes in it so I feel I am getting a little something more than just water. Others like to have a can of coke.

In my hydration bag I only carry water, it's universal and I don't have to worry about grunge build up from the sugars left in there.

For the car or ride kit bag:
1. Floor Pump
2. spare tire
3. change of clothes for after the ride (it might be wet or muddy)
4. a towel to use on the seat of your car

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