Friday, May 4, 2012

Some great info on making corners!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ride To The Right. But, Not Too Far Right!

Here are some guidelines that will help you choose the optimum safe position on the road:


  • Most bicycle laws use the same language regarding where cyclists should ride
  • Directions to ride "as far to the right as practicable" appear in most laws
  • No clear definition of "practicable" has been identified

  • Do not ride where you're subject to poor road conditions and constant hazards
  • Give yourself ample room to the right to maneuver in an emergency
  • Ride in the right third of the lane if there is insufficient room for lane sharing

    Traffic rules
  • Slower moving vehicles travel to the right of faster moving ones
  • Motorists are looking for other vehicles in or near the travel lanes, not against curbs
  • Follow the same rules as motorists, including yielding right-of-way and signaling

    Wide lanes
  • Ride just to the right of the travel lane to remain visible to other motorists
  • Ride at least 3 feet from parked cars in all situations; consider this a right-side limit
  • Always ride in a straight line; do not swerve in and out between parked cars

  • If a lane narrows ahead or is blocked, signal and establish your position in traffic early
  • Avoid riding where glass and other trash accumulates on the right side of roadways
  • Avoid grates and gutterpans as they can cause you to crash

    Tip courtesy of the League of American Bicyclists (
  • Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    Lycra Bike Shorts

    Never wear underwear under your bike shorts! The materials used in pads today are designed to wick moisture, breathe and prevent bacteria growth. As such, bike shorts are much more sanitary than your underwear.

    Additionally, the whole purpose of the short's pad is to prevent chafing. In order to work, the short must fit your body like a second skin. Having a layer of clothing between your body and your bike short will prevent the short from working the way that it should, and will increase your chances of experiencing chafing and sores where the underwear sits against your body.

    What's more, if you ride regularly, you'll probably find that it's best to have at least two pairs of riding shorts because it'll ensure that you always have a clean pair to ride in.

    Winter Wear

    The most important factor in winter riding is proper clothing. If you dress too warmly, exertion will quickly lead to overheating and sweating; which can in turn lead to catching a chill and becoming very cold. Contrarily, insufficient clothing is also risky. If you leave the house and your core temperature drops too far, no amount of exertion will raise it. That's why it's crucial to check the thermometer before you leave and consider these four crucial areas when deciding what to wear: your head, torso, hands and feet.

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Niagara here we come

    Now for the next leg in this this trio, the Niagara tour will be a 1 day 75km ride. Lots of good times and the route is so flat.

    WE DID IT!

    Well the largest MS-Bike Tour Team for the Acton to Waterloo event road 110km on Saturday and 106km on Sunday to complete a wonderful ride along one of the best planned routes I have ever done in my 12 years as a participant. Thanks to all the sponsors and a huge thanks to our supporters!

    Tuesday, July 6, 2010

    Group RIde Sunday July 11th, 10:00

    Group ride on Sunday July 11th. Barry's place is the starting point. 725 King Street West.