Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lycra Bike Shorts

Never wear underwear under your bike shorts! The materials used in pads today are designed to wick moisture, breathe and prevent bacteria growth. As such, bike shorts are much more sanitary than your underwear.

Additionally, the whole purpose of the short's pad is to prevent chafing. In order to work, the short must fit your body like a second skin. Having a layer of clothing between your body and your bike short will prevent the short from working the way that it should, and will increase your chances of experiencing chafing and sores where the underwear sits against your body.

What's more, if you ride regularly, you'll probably find that it's best to have at least two pairs of riding shorts because it'll ensure that you always have a clean pair to ride in.

Winter Wear

The most important factor in winter riding is proper clothing. If you dress too warmly, exertion will quickly lead to overheating and sweating; which can in turn lead to catching a chill and becoming very cold. Contrarily, insufficient clothing is also risky. If you leave the house and your core temperature drops too far, no amount of exertion will raise it. That's why it's crucial to check the thermometer before you leave and consider these four crucial areas when deciding what to wear: your head, torso, hands and feet.